Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dynamic Event Chain List

Came across this post by Nightprowler21 on Reddit & liked it so much it's getting it's own post - feeling magnanimous.

Here's a list of all event chains that have 5 or more events in them, I got this information from the wiki page and consolidated it into a more manageable list for leveling. I hope that this list will help anyone who wants to level quickly as the chain events give massive amounts of experience. It will also be useful for maximizing the benefit you get from XP boosters as you can quickly find another decent event chain. Without further ado here is my compiled list.
Once you are in the 75 level range from Straits of Devastation you can easily level by joining the zerg. The complete list of dynamic event chains can be found here; [(

Exploits in GW2


Yea been on holidays - is good - anyways time for a rant seeing as how I'm kind of back.

Here's a link for a video on Youtube which details how to jump 'out of world' so you can travel around & not be attacked but yes you guessed it you can attack enemy players, npc's, dynamic events, walls you name it.

So why you angry bro?

Because this was common knowledge before I went on holidays 3 or 4 weeks ago and it's still there, I'm of the opinion that exploits are MAJOR issues that must be treated as business critical events by game developers, but apparently this isn't the case for Anet.

All the existing issues we have with bots, don't think for a second they're all gone, will be exacerbated by them exploiting, let alone those servers that we know harbour hackers whom instead of getting off stealing orbs of power will now run around griefing to make themselves feel good.

I can see the day where if this is not fixed a WvW server will report as being full yet when you finally log on can only locate a few players - because they're all 'out of world' capturing keeps & completing events.

Don't make out of world the new battleground, yes it's hard to fix the mechanic, but seriously come up with a stop gap ffs.

Rant off.