Thursday, October 4, 2012

Farming & Karma Vendor Locations in GW2

The latest compendium of locations where you can bag yourself a bunch of cooking ingredients foraging everything from grapes to strawberries is being provided by

Here's a screen shot but I recommend you pop over to their site & poke around there's some good stuff like a list of Karma Vendors where you can select the region you want and the site will provide you with the Renown Heart quest title and what goodies are available upon completion.
Material (links to GW2db) Zone
Artichoke Mount Maelstrom
ArtichokeStraits of Devastation
Butternut SquashFireheart Rise
Butternut SquashFrostgorge Sound
CabbageBlazeridge Steppes
CabbageDredgehaunt Cliffs
CabbageHarathi Hinterlands
CauliflowerTimberline Falls
CauliflowerSparkfly Fen
GrapeFields of Ruin
GrapeLornar’s Pass
LettuceCaledon Forest
PotatoMetrica Province
PotatoPlains of Ashford
PotatoWayfarer Foothills
SpinachBrisbane Wildlands
SpinachGendarran Fields
StrawberryKessex Hills
StrawberrySnowden Drifts
StrawberryDiessa Plateau
Sugar PumpkinBloodtide Coast
Sugar PumpkinIron Marches

Geez learning this html stuff is not my cup of tea so I hope this is worth it lolz.