Friday, September 28, 2012

Leveling in GW2 = WvW ?

I've found there are large numbers of blogs & posts offering their opinions on how best to level a character in Guild Wars 2, the one's you may find value in depends on what you like about the game.

For myself I've never been a crafter, in WOW I crafted items as a result of researching how I could deal more damage or saw others with items which I could apply to my inventory or gear, such as engineering & making bombs or mines or rocket boots etc so while it is viable to boost a character in GW2 20 levels by levelling 2 disciplines in GW2 I cannot be bothered.

Grinding or farming is always a viable option in almost every game where you go out & kill off beasty after beasty then checking out all the different items that you've looted, working out which items can be salvaged into what base material and in the process gaining XP and a bit of currency from what you vendor / trade / auction off. 

Problem with this scenario in GW2 is if you repeatedly kill the same mobs in the same area you will quickly receive ZERO bonus XP so you can't go to your favourite hidey hole off the beaten track to safely & mindlessly turn the countryside into a graveyard, instead you must constantly move from location to location hoping that someone else isn't doing the same thing just over the horizon in front of you.

I could list a few other ways but I'll jump straight to what I do which is World Vs World PvP or WvW which depending on the group of players you are mixing with can net you big XP, Karma & Coin.

The key is completing events by taking key locations within the battleground, assaulting an enemy scout will result in one of those event notification messages popping up (like the one above) likewise taking a tower / supply depot and also defending a tower / supply depot etc will net you more notifications & goodies.

I played this morning for an hour which went by in the blink of an eye picking up 2 levels, dying twice so cost me 2s in repairs or so but picked up some nice karma & a fistful of badges from those nasty enemies. WvW is THE easiest way to gain your monthly achievement in my book.

I'm not saying this is the best approach or that it will even appeal to you, perhaps you'll try it & react like I did to crafting & run away but you should at least try it out & if worse comes to worst you can still forage like in PvE which might be an attraction to you.

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