Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tips for playing WvW & Emotes FTW!

So I've had the thought rattling around the back of my head that I really should write down somewhere all the things I forget & wish I didn't in game like how to:

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Then I came across a post on Reddit.com called What are some things you wish more people knew about WvW which gave me the inspiration to make my own lists of stuff & paraphrase some of the reddit post. I am making the assumption you have played WvW and have some basic understanding of how it works and know how to acquire siege blueprints etc.

  • Build siege weapons when they're thrown down by your team, if no one has supply then go get it from the nearest supply depot, the siege item will knock down the wall / gate much faster than you ever will

  • Now that you have siege in place make damn sure you heal the players operating the siege weapons, if you're not aware in order to use a siege weapon you cannot access your skill bar so cannot heal / shield yourself so these guys need your help

  • When building arrow carts DON'T put them in the middle of a wall (like in the pic below) or on the outside edge, yes you will have a better field of vision & be able to target enemies better but you will be taken out by enemy AOE in 5 seconds. Run around & find a spot that is right on the inside edge that you can just target the gate but can also target some of the field & you're golden

  • You CAN create trebuchets in Garrison that hit DB and you SHOULD create at least 3 & you SHOULD ask another player to act as a spotter to let you know where & what you are hitting

  • You DO NOT need to stay within the circle to control a point after killing a scout / taking a tower to get a successful event notification, too many times I see 10 people standing there doing nothing when they could be porting back to base to move on to the next location

  • Only skirmishes or battles involving more than 5 players will show up on the world or mini map so a 2 v 2 fight will go un-noticed by a zerg just like a 5 man party running around a map capping scouts etc will be invisible unless visually sighted

  • If you keep or tower is being attacked don't use the supply to repair it unless you are positive you are going to lose it, use your own & other player supply to build arrow carts etc to kill the enemy. If you repair the wall they will only damage it again so put it another way siege defeats an attack while repair slows the defeat

  • Quaggans are not useless! Their camps in the borderlands only require 15 pearls (which you can find in the lake keep & stockpile to use whenever you like) or Krait kills to gain allegiance which is only a few minutes effort then the camps can cause weather events in their vicinity which can heal allies or damage enemies. Another good thing about this is not many players like fighting underwater so you tend to be left alone, and, because the Krait are not killed very often you tend to receive the max bonus xp from each kill

  • You can join your Commander's squad by opening your map & clicking on the Commander's blue arrow & Join squad message should pop up. Communication is huge in PvP so every little bit helps

  • You can 'link' locations in chat like you can weapons or mats the benefit there is if someone is new to PvP and do not know where events or locations are clicking your link in chat automatically opens their map & shows them where they need to go / where you are

  • On the point of being new, don't be hesitant to call out in chat if you see enemy moving to or from somewhere but do add which server they're from & the number you see

  • If you are not going to defend a Supply Camp you should drain it's supply & an easy way of doing this is to drop a ram or 2 & build it using the camps supply. Why do this? Because if the camp has no supply the nearby keep or tower that your team is attacking will shortly be in shitzen!.

Now for the most important content - Emotes!

/beckon          /bow                  /cheer              /cower            /cry               /dance          /kneel
/laugh             /no                    /point               /ponder          /salute          /shrug           /sit
/sleep             /surprised          /threaten         /wave             /yes

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